
Arabic "Kuba"

Hi! So, this time I made Arabic " Kuba ", which is referred to meatballs in English AND it's very delicious when you're ma...

So, this time I made Arabic "Kuba", which is referred to meatballs in English AND it's very delicious when you're making soup. It’ll take a little bit time, so you’ll need patience as your partner!

For The Arabic Kuba you need the following:

The ingredients mentioned below depends on the amount you want to make, so you'll need to keep an equal number of cups.
2 cups fine bulgur
2 cups semolina
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp salt
2 tsp black pepper
For the meat mix you need:
 2 chopped onions
500 grams ground meat
2 tsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp "7 spices"    

Start by putting all the ingredients in a bowl and start mixing them together. Please do add a little bit of water a couple of times during the mix, thereby it'll become sticky and easy to make small balls out of.

How to prepare the meat:

Start cutting the onions into small pieces, and then on a pan with a little bit oil, then you wait till it becomes goldish, thereafter you add the meat with all the spices, mix it for a few seconds and then leave it for about 20-30 minutes, till it's cooked.

When the meat is cooled down, you can move on to the kuba balls.

Start by making a ball (you can of course make them the size you want)

Then you use your finger to make a hole, like shown above.

Keep pressing till it looks like the picture.
Then you fill it with meat and simply close it.

Keep repeating till you've finished all of them, but be careful they are very sticky so you'll need to put them on something, I put them on a bag, as you can see in the first picture, which is very useful. You can put them in the freezer as long as you want, or you can immediately begin with the soup. The choice is yours!

Some suggestions for soups:
Lentil soup
Tomato soup

When making the soup the Kuba/meatballs will need at least 30 minutes.

Lots of Love

Kitchen Carmen

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